George's Farm Blog

Weekly stories from the farm

In stark contrast to the email I sent last week, the weather turned bright and springy.  Finally! 
The animals seemed to enjoy the change and all were peaceful and content yesterday afternoon as we prepared for market.  River Adonis is eight months old today and sporting two fresh teeth!  Be sure to come say hello to our free-range children this weekend!

We will be doing a popup in downtown Vashon this afternoon. Exact location is not certain, but somewhere within a block of the main intersection of town.  We did a stealth market in front of Camp Colvos brewery a couple weeks ago and it was a huge success!  Hours will be roughly 4-6pm. We look forward to seeing our Vashon friends again!

Rose pulled a magnificent rack of smoked meats out of the smoker this morning. We are fully stocked with bacon, ham hocks, smoked lamb, smoked sausage, smoked duck breast and smoked pork jowls!

Rose, the kids and I are eager to see you all on the Magic Meat Truck this weekend!

Ducks and geese near the farmhouse. 
The venerable Huck protects our stock from cunning coyotes and ravenous ravens. 
Ducks and chickens peacefully enjoying the last minutes of sunset yesterday. 
River is sporting his first two teeth and an enormous appetite to go with them!
Free-range baby River
Free-range children at University District 
Happy sheep